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Titles Available for Sale |
Fundamentals of Verification and Validation – Patrick J. Roache; Hard Cover, CLEARANCE SALE $40.00. Purchase Now! Women to Women: A Handbook for Active Aging – Catharine Stewart-Roache and Barbara Yarnell; Soft Cover, $14.39. - Purchase from Amazon.com Now! Verification and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering – Patrick J. Roache; Hard Cover - CLEARANCE SALE: $35.00. - Purchase Now! Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics – Patrick J. Roache; Hard Cover - CLEARANCE SALE: $35.00. - Purchase Now! Elliptic Marching Methods and Domain Decomposition – Patrick J. Roache; Hard Cover - CLEARANCE SALE: $40.00. Purchase Now! At Sea At Sixty: Reflections from a Round the World Voyage – Catharine Stewart-Roache and Patrick J. Roache; Soft Cover, $15.00. Purchase Now! attrACTIVE Woman: A physical fitness approach to emotional and spiritual well-being – Marvel Harrison Kellogg and Catharine Stewart-Roache; Soft Cover, $8.00. Purchase Now! |
This book refutes the falsificationism philosophy of the late Sir Karl Popper as applied to science generally, and in particular its misapplication to the modern subject of computational physics including climate models. Sir Karl Popper, the late influential philosopher of science, asserted that true science theories cannot be verified but only falsified. His philosophy of falsificationism has been used to categorically and preemptively reject claims of realistic Validation of computational physics models. The present book challenges this philosophy, as well as its applicability to modern computational physics models such as climate models. Patrick J. Roache has been active in the broad area of computational physics for over four decades. He wrote the first monographs in Computational Fluid Dynamics (1972) and in Verification and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering (1998). He is well qualified to confront the misapplication of Popper's philosophy to modern computational physics from the vantage of one actively engaged and thoroughly familiar with the genuine issues and normative practice. |
This text is the successor to Verification and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering (1998). A third of the book covers new material. New chapter, sections and appendices, and other significant new material, are indicated in both the Table of Contents and in the Section Headings so that readers of the original book can easily find subjects of their interest.
Women to Women: A Handbook for Active Aging by Catharine Stewart-Roache and Barbara Yarnell tells it like it is to women older than 50. It offers solid information, gradual fitness programs, and encouragement to women who want to become fit, or who want to remain fit, but have some limitations of aging. The authors have taken on current attitudes that say women of any age can reverse all aspects of aging.
Instead, this book offers ways to become fit, or fitter, by setting realistic goals, eating healthy food, getting regular aerobic exercise, and working on specific practices for good balance, strength and flexibility. The book is well illustrated with photos of real older women doing realistic activities. Women to Women is for those who do not aspire to having a body builder's physique or a model's look.
Stewart-Roache and Yarnell met in the fitness room aboard a ship and discovered that even though they had different body types and came from different backgrounds and professions, they had one big thing in common: a passion for a healthy active life. Stewart-Roache, a former counselor and hospital minister, has participated in Senior Olympics competition and sprint triathlons. Yarnell is a Homeopathic counselor who walks, runs and does strength training. Theirs is an inclusive approach to health that reflects their diverse expertise. Women to Women: A Handbook for Active Aging is written by older women for older women.
What reviewers are saying:
Women to Women is a thorough yet practical guide to assist us in living an active lifestyle at any age. At ages 70 and 62, Catharine and Barbara are an inspiration to all women no matter how old or young. These authors have done a fabulous job outlining the most important ingredients required for a healthy, more vibrant lifestyle.
Finally! This is a long awaited and wonderful contribution to the literature for active women. Baby Boomer Women (and those considerably older) will find support, information and inspiration on how to get and stay active regardless of one's years from women who know. Obstacles are outlined and answers identified in realistic and caring ways. Enjoy your body, enjoy being active and enjoy Women to Women!
I found this handbook for active aging to be an easy read with accurate AND understandable scientific information about diet and exercise. The advice is very practical and timely. A book to read now and reference for years to come.
Finally, a book about the realities of aging. Helpful ideas and tips to make the transition easier. Inspiring. Hats off to these two women for telling it like it is.
This book covers modern approaches to Verification
and Validation of computer codes and other topics related to the Quantification of Uncertainty and code Quality Assurance. Especially noteworthy are the Method of Manufactured Solutions, a general method
for obtaining exact solutions for code Verifications, and the Grid Convergence Index, a method for uniform reporting of grid convergence tests. Applicable to commercial codes and to all problems modeled by
partial differential equations, examples include CFD, Groundwater Modeling, etc. Provides useable formulas and practical guidance for error estimation and experimental Validation.
This book is the successor to the pioneering text Computational Fluid Dynamics, translated into Russian, Japanese and Chinese, and cited over 2,066 times through 1995. Part I consists of the original text with
revisions and updates, including implicit methods for compressible flow and TVD methods. Part II covers more recent topics, including Finite Element vs. Finite Difference Methods, Multigrid Solvers, the Flux-Based
Modified Method of Characteristics, elliptic grid generation, high order accuracy solutions in non-orthogonal grids, solution adaptive grids and time steps, contaminant transport in porous media, and Verification and Validation.
This book describes how to solve discretized elliptic partial differential equations by spatial marching, using domain decomposition and other stabilization schemes. The book
includes detailed comparisons to other methods (including direct, mulitgrid, preconditioned conjugate gradient) and application to multiprocessor parallel computers. For further details including Table of
Contents, see CRC Press Web Site at |
To celebrate their sixtieth birthdays, the authors signed on to the program called Semester At Sea,
visiting ten foreign ports in a hundred day journey. This book records their reflections on world religions, politics, environmental issues, education, the search for beauty, and their own aging.
The authors have been married for thirty-six years and raised five children together. They both enjoy bicycling, racquetball, hiking, camping, river rafting, skiing, and diving, and have recently taken up sailing. They are
both retired, live mostly in New Mexico and part-time in Belize, and travel extensively. CATHARINE STEWART-ROACHE admits a love affair with the sea.
Perhaps this is somewhat peculiar for one living in the high desert of the southwest. She says that being a desert dweller only makes her appreciate water more. Her venture into scuba diving led to curiosity
about all aspects of the sea and what lived in it. In 1986 she participated in Project Ocean Search where she dove with the Cousteau Society and began her amateur study of marine biology. One of the highlights of her
Semester At Sea was furthering her studies of marine biology and oceanography. An accomplished artist in both painting and stone sculpture, in her professional career she co-authored a book on nutrition
and exercise, and was involved with the elderly as a counselor and chaplain. In this book she explores the relationship between the voyage at sea and her journey into old age. PATRICK J. ROACHE
admits a love affair with Catharine. He is retired from a research career in engineering and applied mathematics focusing on fluid dynamics. He founded a small R&D firm, authored four graduate
level technical books and over one hundred technical papers, and worked in aerodynamics, ocean modeling, and environmental performance analysis. He has served as adjunct and visiting professor at six
universities. He has participated in a Mayan archeology dig with EarthWatch, run the rapids of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon in a two-man raft, climbed Mount Fuji, and hiked the Milford
Track in New Zealand, the Chilcoot Trail in Alaska, and the Isle of Skye in Scotland. He is a member of numerous environmental organizations. On Semester at Sea, he studied geological hazards and comparative religions. |
A no nonsense approach to healthy living which
invites women to stop dieting, start moving and being who they want to be by learning the wisdom of their bodies. It is based on an established eight week program for women wishing to become more
active, stronger physically and emotionally, and more involved in their life direction. Forward by Melody Beattie, author of "Codependent No More."
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