PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS  Primary: numerical solutions of partial differential equations, particularly for fluid dynamics, unsteady aerodynamics, porous media flow and transport, heat transfer, electrodynamics, and grid generation, with special interest in Verification and Validation.
Secondary: solar energy, multiphase flow, gas dynamics, free convection, flow visualization, wind tunnel testing, boundary layer transition, aircraft and missile performance, base pressure, analytical flight dynamics, symbolic manipulation, optimization.
- B.S. Aeronautical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 1960.
- M.S. Aeronautical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 1962.
- Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 1967.
Other graduate work during NSF Summer Institutes at Oklahoma State University (1963) and University of Arizona (1964). INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE
- Consultant, 1/97-present.
- President, Ecodynamics Research Associates, Inc., 11/75-12/96.
- Senior Scientist, Science Applications, Inc., 12/73-10/75.
- Research Aerodynamicist, Sandia Laboratories, 12/67-11/73.
- Electronics Manual Technical Writer, Heath Company, summer 1961.
- Aerodynamicist, Chrysler Missile Corporation, summer 1962.
- Flight Test Engineer, Sikorsky Helicopter, summer 1958.
- Short Course on "Verification and Validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics", AIAA 41th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 2003.
- Short Course on "Verification and Validation in Computational Physics," Los Alamos National Laboratory, 9-11 September 2002.
- Short Course on "Verification and Validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics", NASA-Langley Research Center, Virginai (under auspices of AIAA), 22-24 July 2002.
- Short Course on "Verification and Validation in Computational Physics," Los Alamos National Laboratory, June 3-5, 2002.
- Short Course on "Verification and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering", Center for Applied Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, 11-13 March 2002.
- Short Course on "Verification and Validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics", AIAA Meeting, Anaheim, California, 9-10 June 2001.
- Short Course on "Verification and Validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics", AIAA 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 2001.
- Short Course on "Verification and Validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics", NASA-Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio (under auspices of AIAA), June 2000.
- Short Course on "Verification and Validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics", AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 2000.
- Short Course on "Numerical Model Verification Techniques for Hydraulic Engineers", ASCE International Conference on Water Resources Engineering, Seattle, Washington, August 1999.
- Visiting Professor (Melchor Chair) of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Fall 1996. Taught graduate seminar course in Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of New Mexico, 1986- 1987. Taught graduate courses in Numerical Methods.
- Visiting Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Davis, Spring 1985. Taught section of graduate course in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Visiting Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Spring 1978. Taught section of graduate course in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico, 1977. Taught graduate course in Numerical Methods.
- Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico, 1977. Taught graduate course in Differential Equations.
- Lecturer, University of Tennessee Space Institute, November 1972. Taught section of short course on Separated Flows.
- Visiting Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Fall 1970. Taught graduate course in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, University of Albuquerque, 1969. Taught senior-level course in Analysis.
- Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico, 1968. Taught graduate course in Boundary Layer Theory.
- Instructor at Sandia Laboratories, 1967-1973. Out-of-hours and in-hours courses in Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of North Dakota, 1964-1965. Taught undergraduate courses in Basic Aerodynamics; Gas Dynamics; Thermodynamics; Heat Transfer.
- Instructor, Aeronautical Engineering, University of Detroit, 1962- 1964. Taught undergraduate courses in Basic Aerodynamics; Gas Dynamics; Advanced Gas Dynamics; Aircraft and
Missile Dynamics, Aircraft and Missile Performance; Advanced Missile Performance.
- Associate Editor for Numerical Methods, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 1985-1988.
- Advisory Editorial Boards: Computers and Fluids; International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids; Numerical Heat Transfer; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering;
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
- Member, AIAA Technical Committee on Fluid Dynamics, 1992/93; Chairman, Subcommittee on Publication Standards for CFD.
- Chairman, Numerical Fluid Dynamics Panel, Workshop on NSF (RANN) Numerical Simulation of Combustion for Applications to Spark and Compression Ignition Engines.
- Member, ASME Coordinating Group for Computational Fluid Dynamics, 1992/94.
- Member, ASCE/EWRI Task Committee on 3D Free Surface Flow Model Verification/Validation Monograph, 1998-2006.
- Member, ASME/IUTAM Committee on Verification and Validation, 2000-2003.
- Member, Subcommittee of the ASME CFD Technical Committee, subcommittee for Publication Standards, 2001-2004.
- Member, ASME Fluids Engineering Division CFD Standards Committee, 2004-2007.
- Member, Committee PTC-60 on Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics, 2000-2006.
- Member, ASME Committee PTC-61 on Verification and Validation in Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, 2004-2008.
- Reviewer for Journals: Computers and Fluids; International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids; Numerical Heat Transfer; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering;
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Journal of Computational Physics; AIAA Journal; AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets; ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering;
ASME Journal of Heat Transfer.
- Reviewer for Funding Agencies: Army Research Office; Air Force Office of Scientific Research; National Science Foundation; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Chairperson of Panel to
review Atmospheric Modeling proposals).
- Committee to Evaluate Computational Needs at the U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratories.
- Review Board, New Mexico Energy Institute.
- Evaluation Committee, 1980-1981 AFOSR-HTTM-Stanford Conference on Complex Turbulent Flows.
- Review Board, Maui High Performance Computing Center.
- Idaho National Laboratory, Problem Oversight Committee, 2006-2007
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Associate Fellow)
- American Society for Mechanical Engineering (Fellow)
- Environmental & Water Resources Institute of ASCE
- Sigma Xi
- Philosophy of Science Association
- American Physical Society
- American Society for Civil Engineering
- American Society for Engineering Education
- American Geophysical Union
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- University of Cincinnati, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, 18 February 1994, R. T. Davis Memorial Lecture Award. “For Fundamental and Scholarly
Contributions to the Field of Mechanics, with Respect for Seeking Truth with Intellectual Honesty.”
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division, 8 November 1994, Robert T. Knapp Award. “This award recognizes the best paper dealing with results from
analytical or laboratory research that has been presented to the Fluids Engineering Division of the ASME within the last two years.”
- University of Notre Dame, Distinguished Alumnus Engineering Honor Award, 1995.
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Election to Fellow Grade, July 1999.
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Election to Associate Fellow, January 2002.
Socorro, New Mexico 87801 U. S. A. (575) 838-1110 e-mail: Web Site:
- Roache, P. J. (1972), Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hermosa Publishers, Albuquerque, December 1972; revised printing, December 1976.
(Japanese Translation, Kozo Keikaku, Tokyo, 1978)
(Russian Translation, MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1980) (Chinese Translation, Beijing, 1982)
- Roache, P. J., (1995), Elliptic Marching Methods and Domain Decomposition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Roache, P. J. (1998), Verification and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering, Hermosa Publishers, Albuquerque, August 1998.
- Roache, P. J. (1998), Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hermosa Publishers, Albuquerque, December 1998.
- Celik., I, Chen, C. J., Roache, P. J., and Scheurer, G. (1993), Eds., Symposium on Quantification of Uncertainty in Computational Fluid Dynamics, American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, ASME FED-Vol. 158.
- Steinberg, S. and Roache, P. J., (1991), “Bifurcation of Grids on Curves,” Chapter 5 in Mathematical Aspects of Numerical Grid Generation, Jose E. Castillo, Ed., Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 59-73.
- Roache, P. J. (1997), “Quantification of Uncertainty in Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 29, pp. 123-160
- Roache, P. J. (2002), "Terminology and Definitions", Chapter II in 3D Free Surface Flow Model Verification and Validation, ASCE/EWRI Monograph. (Expected 2008.)
- Pelletier , D. and Roache, P. J. (2006), "Verification and Validation of Computational Heat Transfer", Chapter 13 of Handbook of Numerical Heat Transfer, Second Edition, W. J. Minkowycz, E. M. Sparrow, and J. Y. Murthy, eds., Wiley, New York.
- Roache, P. J. (1962), Studies in Shock Wave-Boundary Layer Interaction, M.S. Thesis, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, June 1962.
- Roache, P. J. (1967), Numerical Solutions of Compressible and Incompressible Laminar Separated Flows, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Dec. 1967.
- Roache,
P. J. (1962), Studies
in Shock Wave-Boundary Layer Interaction ,
M.S. Thesis, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of
Notre Dame, June 1962.
- Roache,
P. J. (1965), "The Neutral Point in Static and Dynamic Stability Analysis," Comment for AIAA
Journal of Aircraft ,
July 1965.
- Roache,
P. J. (1967), Numerical
Solutions of Compressible and Incompressible Laminar Separated
Flows ,
Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame,
December 1967.
- Knapp,
C. F. and Roache, P. J. (1968), "A Combined Visual and Hot-Wire Anemometer Investigation of Boundary Layer Transition," AIAA
Journal ,
Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1968, pp. 29-36.
- Roache,
P. J. (1968), "Reply by Author to A. Michalke," AIAA
Journal ,
Vol. 6, No. 6, June 1968.
- Roache,
P. J. and Mueller, T. J. (1968), "Numerical Solutions of Compressible and Incompressible Laminar Separated Flows," AIAA
Paper No. 68-741, June 1968.
- Roache,
P. J. and Mueller, T. J. (1970), "Numerical Solutions of Laminar
Separated Flows," AIAA
Journal ,
Vol. 8, No. 3, March 1970, pp. 530-538.
- Roache,
P. J. (1970), "A New Direct Method for the Discretized Poisson
Equation," in
Lecture Notes in Physics ,
Vol. 8, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, December 1970.
- Roache,
P. J. (1970), "Sufficiency Conditions for a Commonly Used
Downstream Boundary Condition on Stream Function," Journal
of Computational Physics ,
Vol. 6, No. 2, October 1970.
- Mueller,
T. J., Hall, C. R., and Roache, P. J. (1970), "Influence of
Initial Flow Direction on the Turbulent Base Pressure in Supersonic
Axisymmetric Flow," AIAA
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets ,
Vol. 7, No. 12, December 1970.
- Roache,
P. J. (1972), "On Artificial Viscosity," Journal
of Computational Physics ,
Vol. 10, No. 2, October 1972, pp. 169-184.
- Mueller,
T. J. and Roache, P. J. (1973), "Base Drag Calculations in
Supersonic Turbulent Axisymmetric Flows," AIAA
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets ,
Vol. 10, No. 4, April 1973.
- Roache,
P. J. (1973), "Finite Difference Methods for the Steady- State
Navier-Stokes Equations," in Lecture
Notes in Physics ,
Vol. 18, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1973, pp. 138-145.
- Roache,
P. J. (1975), "The Split NOS and BID Methods for the Steady-State
Navier-Stokes Equations," in Lecture
Notes in Physics ,
Vol. 35, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975, pp. 347-352.
- Roache,
P. J. (1975), "The Split NOS and BID Methods for the Steady-State
Navier-Stokes Equations," Lecture
Notes in Physics ,
Vol. 35, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975, pp. 347-352.
- Roache,
P. J. (1975),"The LAD, NOS, and Split NOS Methods for the
Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations," Computers
and Fluids ,
Vol. 3, 1975, pp. 179-195.
- Roache,
P. J. (1975), "Recent Developments and Problem Areas in
Computational Fluid Dynamics," Lecture
Notes in Mathematics ,
Vol. 461, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975, pp. 195-256.
- Roache,
P. J. and Ellis, M. A. (1975), "The BID Method for the
Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations," Computers
and Fluids ,
Vol. 3, 1975, pp. 305-320.
- Roache,
P. J., et al. (1975), "Report of the Numerical Fluid Dynamics
Panel ,"
Workshop on Numerical Simulation of Combustion for Applications to
Spark and Compression Ignition Engines ,
NSF (RANN) Grant No. AER 75-10575.
- Roache,
P. J. (1975), "A Review of Numerical Techniques," Proceedings
First International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics ,
20-22 October 1975, J. Schot and N. Salveson, eds., David W. Taylor
Ship Research and Development Center, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Roache,
P. J. (1977), "Prospects for Accurate Computer Simulations of
Fluid Dynamics Problems of Nuclear Reactors," Nuclear
Science and Engineering ,
Vol. 64, September 1977, pp. 219-221.
- Roache,
P. J. (1977), "A Semidirect Method for Internal Flows in Flush
Inlets," AIAA Paper 77-647, June 1977.
- Roache,
P. J. (1978), "A Pseudo-Spectral FFT Technique for Non- Periodic
Problems," Journal
of Computational Physics ,
Vol. 27, No. 2, p. 204, May 1978.
- Roache,
P. J. (1978), "Marching Methods for Elliptic Problems: Part 1,"
Heat Transfer ,
Vol. 1, No. 1, 1978, pp. 1-25.
- Roache,
P. J. (1978), "Marching Methods for Elliptic Problems: Part 2,"
Heat Transfer ,
Vol. 1, No. 2, 1978, pp. 163-181.
- Roache,
P. J. (1978), "Marching Methods for Elliptic Problems: Part 3,"
Heat Transfer ,
Vol. 1, No. 2, 1978, pp. 183-201.
- Roache,
P. J. (1978), "Semidirect Calculation of Steady Two- and
Three-Dimensional Flows," Proceedings
First International Conference, Numerical Methods in Laminar and
Turbulent Flow ,
17-21 July 1978, University College, Swansea, Wales, Pentech Press,
London, pp. 17-28.
- Gartling,
D. K. and Roache, P. J. (1978), "Efficiency Trade-Offs on
Steady-State Methods Using FEM and FDM," Proceedings
First International Conference, Numerical Methods in Laminar and
Turbulent Flow ,
17-21 July 1978, University College, Swansea, Wales, Pentech Press,
London, pp. 103-112.
- Roache,
P. J. (1979), "A Sixth-Order Accurate Direct Solver for the
Poisson and Helmholtz Equations," AIAA
Journal ,
Vol. 17, No. 5, May 1979, pp. 524-526.
- Roache,
P. J. and Zoltani, C. K. (1979), "A Preliminary Investigation of
the Singular Behavior of Fluids Near a Sliding Corner ,"
Proceedings 1979 Army Numerical Analysis and Computers Conference .
- Roache,
P. J. (1979), "A Semidirect Method Suitable for Recirculating
Flows Driven by Buoyancy and Shear," Proceedings
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems ,
2-6 July 1979, Pineridge Press, Swansea, Wales.
- de
Vahl Davis, G., Jones, I. P., and Roache, P. J., "Natural
Convection in an Enclosed Cavity: A Comparison Problem," Computers
and Fluids ,
Vol. 7, pp. 315-316, 1979.
- Roache,
P. J. (1980), "GEM Solutions of Elliptic and Mixed Problems with
Non-Separable 5-and 9-Point Operators," Elliptic
Problem Solvers ,
Academic Press, M. Schultz, ed., 1981, pp. 399-403.
- Roache,
P. J. (1981), "The GEM Code: Direct Solutions of Elliptic and
Mixed Problems with Non-Separable 5- and 9-Point Operators,"
1981 Army Numerical Analysis and Computers Conference ,
Huntsville, Alabama, 26-27 February 1981.
- Roache,
P. J., Moeny, W. M., and Filcoff, J. A. (1981), "Computational
Solutions in Body-Fitted Coordinates of Electric Fields in
Externally Sustained Discharges," Proceedings
3rd IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference ,
1-3 June 1981, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Roache,
P. J. (1981), "A Semidirect Method for Combined Natural and Forced
Convection Problems Including Solute," Proceedings
Second National Symposium on Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer ,
University of Maryland, 28-30 September 1981.
- Roache,
P. J. (1981), "Performance of the GEM Codes on Non-Separable 5-and
9-Point Operators," Numerical
Heat Transfer ,
Vol. 4, No. 4, 1981, pp. 395-408.
- Roache,
P. J. (1982), "Scaling of High Reynolds Number Weakly Separated
Channel Flows," Numerical
and Physical Aspects of Aerodynamic Flows ,
(Proc. California State University Long Beach, 19-21 January 1981)
T. Cebeci, ed., Chapter 6, Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 87-98.
- Roache,
P. J. (1982), "Interactive Design of Laser Electrodes Using
Elliptic Grid Generation and Semidirect/Marching Methods,"
1982 Army Numerical Analysis and Computers Conference .
- Roache,
P. J. (1982), "Semidirect/Marching Methods and Elliptic Grid
Generation," Proceedings
Symposium on the Numerical Generation of Curvilinear Coordinate
Systems and Use in the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential
Equations ,
April 1982, Nashville, Tennessee, J. F. Thompson, ed., North-Holland
Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 727-737.
- Happ,
J. J., Moeny, W. M. and Roache, P. J. (1983), "Unsteady 2D
Electric Field Modeling with High Accuracy on Conductor Surfaces,"
4th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference ,
6-8 June 1983, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Roache,
P. J., Steinberg, S., Happ, J. J. and Moeny, W. M. (1983), "3-D
Electric Field Solutions in Boundary-Fitted Coordinates,"
4th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference ,
6-8 June 1983, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Roache,
P. J. and Steinberg, S. (1984), "Symbolic Manipulation and
Computational Fluid Dynamics," AIAA Paper No. 83-1952. Also, AIAA
Journal ,
Vol. 22, October 1984, pp. 1390-1394.
- Roache,
P. J., Steinberg, S., and Moeny, W. M. (1984), "Interactive
Electric Field Calculations for Lasers," AIAA Paper 84-1655, AIAA
17th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Physics, and Lasers Conference, 25-27
June 1984, Snowmass, Colorado.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1985), "Symbolic Manipulation and
Computational Fluid Dynamics," Journal
of Computational Physics ,
Vol. 57, No. 2, January 1985, pp. 251-284.
- Roache,
P. J. (1985), "Additional Performance Aspects of Marching Methods
for Elliptic Equations," Numerical
Heat Transfer ,
Vol. 8, 1985, pp. 519-535.
- Roache,
P. J. and Steinberg, S. (1985), "A New Approach to Grid Generation
Using a Variational Formulation," AIAA 85-1527-CP, Proceedings
AIAA 7th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference ,
15-17 July 1985, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Von
Dadelszen, M., Moeny, W. M., and Roache, P. J. (1985), "Electric
Field Calculations Using the ELF Codes," Proceedings
IEEE Pulsed Power Conference ,
10-12 June 1985, Crystal City, DC.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1985), "Using VAXIMA to Write FORTRAN Code,"
of Computer Algebra ,
Pavelle, R., ed., Kluwer, New York, 1985, pp. 74-93.
- Roache,
P. J. (1985), "The ELF Codes: Electrode Design for Lasers and
Switches," Invited Paper, Proceedings
CTAC-85 Conference ,
25-28 August 1985, Melbourne, Australia.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1986), "Using MACSYMA to Write Fortran
Subroutines," Journal
of Symbolic Computation ,
Vol. 2, 1986, pp. 213-216. See also MACSYMA
Newsletter ,
Vol. II-2, 1985, pp. 10-12.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1986), "Variational Grid Generation,"
Methods for Partial Differential Equations ,
Vol. 2, 1986, pp. 71-96.
- Roache,
P. J. and Steinberg, S. (1986), "Application of a Single- Equation
MG-FAS Solver to Elliptic Grid Generation Equations (Sub-grid and
Super-grid Coefficient Generation)," Applied
Mathematics and Computation ,
Vol. 19, 1986, pp. 283-292.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1986), "A Tool Kit of Symbolic Manipulation
Programs for Variational Grid Generation," AIAA Paper No. 86-0241,
AIAA 24th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 6-9 January 1986, Reno,
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1986), "A Tool Kit of Symbolic Manipulation
Programs for Variational Grid Generation," Transactions
of the Fourth Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and
Computation ,
Ithaca, New York, 1986.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1986), "A Tool Kit of Symbolic Manipulation
Programs for Variational Grid Generation," Proceedings
of the Coupling of Symbolic and Numeric Computing in Knowledge Based
Systems Workshop ,
Boeing Computer Services, Seattle, Washington, 1987.
- Roache,
P. J., Ghia, K. and White, F. (1986), "Editorial Policy Statement
on the Control of Numerical Accuracy," ASME
Journal of Fluids Engineering ,
Vol. 108, No. 1, March 1986, pg. 2.
- Roache,
P. J. (1986), "Review of ‘Computational Methods for Fluid
Flow’," AIAA
Journal ,
Vol. 24, No. 6, June 1986, pp. 1053-1054.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1986), "Grid Generation: A Variational and
Symbolic-Computation Approach," Proceedings
Numerical Grid Generation in Fluid Dynamics Conference ,
July 1986, Landshut, W. Germany.
- Roache,
P. J. and Steinberg, S. (1986), "Symbolic Manipulation and
Computational Fluid Dynamics," Invited Paper, Proceedings
NSF Workshop on Computational Engineering ,
24-25 June 1986, NSF San Diego Supercomputer Center, San Diego,
- Dietrich,
D. E., Marietta, M. G., and Roache, P. J. (1987), "An Ocean
Modelling System With Turbulent Boundary Layers and Topography:
Numerical Description," International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids ,
Vol. 7, Sept. 1987, pp. 833-855.
- Castillo,
J. E., Steinberg, S. and Roache, P. J. (1987), "Mathematical
Aspects of Variational Grid Generation II," Journal
of Computational and Applied Mathematics ,
Vol. 20, 1987, pp. 127-135.
- Castillo,
J. E., Steinberg, S. and Roache, P. J. (1988), "On the Folding of
Numerically Generated Grids: Use of a Reference Grid,"
in Applied Numerical Methods ,
Vol. 4, 1988, pp. 471-481.
- Castillo,
J. E., Steinberg, S. and Roache, P. J. (1988), "Parameter
Estimation in Variational Grid Generation," Applied
Mathematics and Computation ,
Vol. 28, 1988, pp. 155-167.
- Roache,
P. J. (1988), "A Comment on the Paper ‘Finite Difference Methods
for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes Equations’ by J. C. Strikwerda,"
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids ,
Vol. 8, 1988, pp. 1459-1463.
- Roache,
P. J. and Dietrich, D. E. (1988), "Evaluation of the Filtered
Leapfrog-Trapezoidal Time Integration Method," Numerical
Heat Transfer ,
Vol. 14, 1988, pp. 149-164.
- Roache,
P. J. (1990), "Need for Control of Numerical Accuracy,"
AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets ,
Vol. 27, No. 2, March-April 1990, pp. 98-102. Also, AIAA Paper No.
- Dietrich,
D. E., Roache, P. J. and Marietta, M. G. (1990), "Convergence
Studies with the Sandia Ocean Modeling System," International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids ,
Vol. 11, pp. 127-150.
- Roache,
P. J., Knupp, P. M., Steinberg, S. and Blaine, R. L. (1990),
"Experience with Benchmark Test Cases for Groundwater Flow,"
ASME FED-Vol. 93, Benchmark
Test Cases for Computational Fluid Dynamics ,
I. Celik and C. J. Freitas, eds., Book No. H00598-1990, pp. 49-56.
- Roache,
P. J. and Salari, K. (1990), "Weakly Compressible Navier- Stokes
Solutions with an Implicit Approximate Factorization Code," AIAA
Paper 90-0235.
- Salari,
K. and Roache, P. J. (1990), "The Influence of Sweep on Dynamic
Stall Produced by a Rapidly Pitching Wing," AIAA Paper 90-0581.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1990), "Anomalies in Grid Generation on
Curves," Journal
of Computational Physics ,
Vol. 91, No. 2, December 1990.
- Roache,
P. J., Salari, K. and Steinberg, S. (1991), "Hybrid Adaptive
Poisson Grid Generation and Grid Smoothness," Communications
in Applied Numerical Methods ,
Vol. 7, 1991, pp. 345-354.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J., (1991), "Bifurcation of Grids on Curves,"
Chapter 5 in Mathematical
Aspects of Numerical Grid Generation ,
Jose E. Castillo, ed., Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 59-73.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1991), "Generating Fortran Code for
Finite-Volume Algorithms," Proceedings
13th IMACS World Congress ,
July 22, 1991, Dublin.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1991), "Discretizing Elliptic Operators in
General Logically-Rectangular Grids," Proceedings
13th IMACS World Congress ,
July 22, 1991, Dublin.
- Roache,
P. J. (1991), "Computational Fluid Dynamics Algorithms and Codes
Developed for WIPP Site Simulations," Proceedings
Asian Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics ,
11-13 December 1991, University of Hong Kong, J.H.W. Lee, et al.,
eds., H. Balkeema, Amsterdam.
- Dietrich,
D. E. and Roache, P. J. (1991), "An Accurate Low Dissipation Model
of the Gulf of Mexico Circulation," Proceedings
International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics ,
14-16 December 1991, University of Hong Kong, J.H.W. Lee, et al.,
eds., H. Balkeema, Amsterdam.
- Steinberg,
S. and Roache, P. J. (1992), "Variational Curve and Surface Grid
Generation," Journal
of Computational Physics ,
Vol. 100, No. 1, pp. 163-178.
- Salari,
K., Knupp, P., Roache, P., and Steinberg, S. (1992), "TVD Applied
to Radionuclide Transport in Fractured Porous Media," Proceedings
IX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water
Resources ,
Denver, Colorado, 9-12 June 1992, T. Russell, et al., eds., pp.
- Roache,
P. J. (1992), "Validation Exercises of a One-Dimensional
Flux-Based Modified Method of Characteristics," Proceedings
IX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water
Resources ,
Denver, Colorado, 9-12 June 1992, T. Russell, et al., eds., pp.
- Roache,
P. J. (1992), "Computational Fluid Dynamics Algorithms Developed
for WIPP Site Simulations," Proceedings
IX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water
Resources ,
Denver, Colorado, 9-12 June 1992, T. Russell, et al., eds., pp.
- Roache,
P. J. and Knupp, P. M. (1993), "Completed Richardson
Extrapolation," Communications
in Applied Numerical Methods ,
Vol. 9, pp. 365-374.
- Roache,
P. J. (1992), "A Flux-Based Modified Method of Characteristics,"
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids ,
Vol. 15, pp. 1259-1275.
- Roache,
P. J. (1993), "The SECO Suite of Codes for Site Performance
Assessment," Proceedings
1993 Intl. High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference ,
April 26-30, 1993, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Roache,
P. J. (1993), "A Method for Uniform Reporting of Grid Refinement
Studies," ASME FED-Vol. 158, Quantification
of Uncertainty in Computational Fluid Dynamics ,
ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington, DC,
20-24 June 1993. Celik., I, Chen, C. J., Roache, P. J., and
Scheurer, G. Eds., pp. 109-120.
- Roache,
P. J. (1993), "A Method for Uniform Reporting of Grid Refinement
Studies," Proc.
AIAA 11th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference ,
Part 2, Orlando, FL, 6-9 July 1993, Part 2, pp. 1057-1058.
- Roache,
P. J. (1993), "The SECO Code Algorithms for Groundwater Flow and
Transport," Finite
Elements in Fluids: New Trends and Applications ,
Part II, Proceedings
VIII International Conference on Finite Elements in Fluids ,
Univ. Politecnica de Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain, 20-23 Sept. 1993,
K. Morgan, E. Onate, J. Periaux, J. Peraire, and O. C. Zienkiewicz,
Eds., pp. 939-948.
- Roache,
P. J. (1994), "Modeling Uncertainty and Numerical Uncertainty in
Atmospheric Models, Ocean Circulation, and Groundwater Flow and
Transport," Proceedings
Basel World CFD User Days 1994 ,
Second World Conference in Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Basel, Switzerland, 1-5 May 1994, Workshop # 5, "How is CFD
Helping in Environmental Risk Assessments?," pp. 20.7 -20.10.
- Salari,
K., Roache, P. J., and Wilcox, D. C. (1994), "Numerical Simulation
of Dynamic Stall Using the Two-Equation K-w Turbulence Model,"
ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada,
20-23 June 1994. ASME FED Vol. 196, K. Ghia and M. Hafez, eds., pp.
- Roache,
P. J. (1994), "Response: To the Comments by Drs. W. Shyy and M.
Sindir," ASME
Journal of Fluids Engineering ,
Vol. 116, pp. 198-199.
- Roache,
P. J. (1994), "Perspective: A Method for Uniform Reporting of Grid
Refinement Studies," ASME
Journal of Fluids Engineering ,
Vol. 116, No. 3, Sept.1994, pp. 405-413.
- Helton,
J. C., Anderson, D. R., ...Roache, P. J., et
al .(1995),
"Effect of Alternative Conceptual Models in a Preliminary
Performance Assessment for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant,"
Engineering and Design ,
Vol. 154, 1995, pp. 251-344.
- Roache,
P. J. (1995), "Verification of Codes and Calculations," AIAA
95-2224, 26th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 19-23, 1995, San
Diego, California.
- Roache,
P. J. (1995), "Verification of Codes and the Grid Convergence
Index," Part of CFD Short Course, Canadian CFD Society of Canada
Meeting, Banff, July 1995.
- Westerink,
J. J. and Roache, P. J. (1995), "Issues in Convergence Studies in
Geophysical Flow Computations," Proceedings
of the Joint JSME-ASME Fluid Mechanics Meeting ,
August 14-18, 1995, Hilton Head, SC, Session F137.
- Salari,
K., Blaine, R. L., Economy, K., and Roache, P. J. (1995), "Grid
Resolution Studies of Radionuclide Transport in Fractured Porous
Media," Proceedings
of the Joint JSME-ASME Fluid Mechanics Meeting ,
August 14-18, 1995, Hilton Head, SC, Session F137.
- Helton,
J. C., Anderson, D. R., ...Roache, P. J., et
al .(1996),
"Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Results obtained in the 1992
Performance Assessment for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant,"
Engineering and System Safety ,
Vol. 51, 1996, pp. 53-100.
- Roache,
P. J. (1997), "Quantification of Uncertainty in Computational
Fluid Dynamics," Annual
Review of Fluid Mechanics ,
Volume 29, pp. 123-160
- Roache,
P. J. (1998), "Verification of Codes and Calculations," AIAA
Journal ,
Vol. 36, No. 5, May 1998, pp. 696-702.
- Roache,
P. J. (1998), "Uncertainties and CFD Code Validation," ASME
Journal of Fluids Engineering ,
Vol. 120, September 1998, pp. 635-636.
- Roache,
P. J. (1998), Verification
and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering ,
Hermosa Publishers, Albuquerque, August 1998.
- Roache,
P. J. (1998), Fundamentals
of Computational Fluid Dynamics ,
Hermosa Publishers, Albuquerque, December 1998.
- Roache,
P. J. (2000), "Educational Cornerstones for CFD", Computational
Fluid Dynamics Journal (Japan Society of Computational Fluid
Dynamics) ,
Vol. 9, No. 3, October 2000, pp. 200-207.
- Roache,
P. J. (2002), "Code Verification by the Method of Manufactured
Solutions", ASME
Journal of Fluids Engineering ,
Vol. 114, No. 1, March 2002, pp. 4-10.
- Pelletier,
D. and Roache, P. J. (2002), "CFD Code Verification and the Method
of Manufactured Solutions", CFD 2002, 10th Annual Conference of
the CFD Society of Canada, 9-11 June 2002, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
- Roache,
P. J. (2003), "Error Bars for CFD," AIAA Paper 2003-0408, AIAA
41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2003, Reno, Nevada.
- C.
J. Freitas, U. Ghia, I. Celik, H. Coleman, P. Raad, and P. J. Roache
(2003), "ASME’S Quest to Quantify Numerical Uncertainty," AIAA
Paper 2003-0627, AIAA 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2003,
Reno, Nevada.
- Roache,
P. J. (2003), "Conservatism of the GCI in Finite Volume
Computations on Steady State Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer", ASME
Journal of Fluids Engineering ,
Vol. 125, No. 4, July 2003, pp 731-732.
- Roache,
P. J. (2003), "Criticisms of the ‘Correction Factor’
Verification Method", ASME
Journal of Fluids Engineering ,
Vol. 125, No. 4, July 2003, pp 732-733.
- Roache,
P. J. (2004), "Building PDE Codes to be Verifiable and
Validatable," Computing
in Science and Engineering ,
Special Issue on Verification and Validation, September/October
2004, pp 30-38.
- Roache,
P. J. (2004), "Calculation Verification: an Overview", Proc.
Workshop on CFD Uncertainty Analysis, 21-22 October 2004. Instituto
Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Eça,
L., Hoekstra, M., and Roache, P. J. (2005), "Verification of
Calculations: an Overview of the Lisbon Workshop," AIAA Paper No.
4728, AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Toronto, June
- Pelletier
, D. and Roache, P. J. (2006), "Verification and Validation of
Computational Heat Transfer", Chapter 13 of Handbook
of Numerical Heat Transfer,
Second Edition, W J. Minkowycz, E. M. Sparrow, and J. Y. Murthy,
eds., Wiley, New York.
- Roache,
P. J. (2006), "Recent Developments in Verification and
Validation," Proc. Second Workshop on CFD Uncertainty Analysis,
19-20 October 2006. Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon,
- Eça,
L., Hoekstra, M., and Roache, P. J. (2007), "Verification of
Calculations: an Overview of the 2nd Lisbon Workshop," AIAA Paper
No. 2007-4089, 2 nd
Workshop on CFD Uncertainty Analysis, AIAA
Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Miami, June 2007.
- Celik,
Ismail. B., Ghia, Urmila, Roache, Patrick J. and Freitas,
Christopher J. (2008), "Procedure for Estimation and Reporting of
Uncertainty due to Discretization in CFD Applications",
Journal of Fluids Engineering ,
- Roache,
P. J. (2008), "Perspective: Validation - What Does it Mean?",
submitted to ASME
Journal of Fluids Engineering.
- Roache,
P. J. (2008), "Validation: Definitions or Descriptions?", Proc.
3 rd
Workshop on CFD Uncertainty Analysis ,
Lisbon, 23-24 October 2008, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Lisbon. L. Eça, and M. Hoekstra, eds.
- Roache,
P. J. (2008), "Comments on the Third Lisbon V&V Workshop",
Proc. 3 rd
Workshop on CFD Uncertainty Analysis ,
Lisbon, 23-24 October 2008, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Lisbon. L. Eça, and M. Hoekstra, eds.
- Roache, P. J., “How to Understand and Use Your Vacuum Tube Voltmeter,” Heath Company, St. Joseph, MI, August 1961.
- C. F. Knapp, Roache, P. J., and Mueller, T. J., “A Combined Visual and Hot-Wire Anemometer Investigation of Boundary Layer Transition,” UNDAS-TR-866ck, Department of Aerospace
Engineering, University of Notre Dame, August 1966.
- Roache, P. J., “A Fortran IV Program for Calculating the Axisymmetric Base Pressure in Turbulent Supersonic Flow (Basel),” UNDAS TN-866-M1, Department of Aerospace
Engineering, University of Notre Dame, August 1966.
- Roache, P. J., “Preliminary Experiments on the Real Flow Field About an Axisymmetric Rankine Oval,” UNDAS TN-966 PR, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame, September 1966.
- Roache, P. J., “Aerothermodynamics Program Library,” Sandia Laboratories, SC-TM- 68-837, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 1968.
- Roache, P. J., “Point Mass Trajectory Dispersion Calculations,” Sandia Laboratories, SC-TM-69-359, June 1969.
- Roache, P. J., “Some Fundamental Relations for the Flight Mechanics of Maneuvering Reentry Vehicles,” Sandia Laboratories, SC-TM-69-659, October 1969.
- Roache, P. J., “Engineering Approximations for Sphere-Cone Drag,” Sandia Laboratories, SC-TM-69-749, March 1970.
- Roache, P. J., “A Direct Method for the Discretized Poisson Equation,” Sandia Laboratories, SC-RR-70-579, February 1971.
- Roache, P. J., “On Artificial Viscosity,” SC-RR-71 0301, July 1971. “Finite Difference Methods for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations,” Sandia Laboratories, SC-RR-72 0419, December 1972.
- Roache, P. J., “Numerical Calculations for Turbulent Flows,” Science Applications, Inc., SAI-74-516-AQ, Final Report. October 1974.
- Roache, P. J., “Far-Field Calculations of Surface Waves,” Science Applications, Inc., SAI-74-516-AQ, October 1974.
- Roache, P. J., “Semidirect Computation of Three-Dimensional Viscous Flows over Suction Holes in Laminar Flow Control Surfaces,” NASA Contractor Report NAS1-15045, October 1978.
- Roache, P. J., “Oil Reservoir Simulation for Project DEEP STEAM,” Sandia Laboratories, Contractor Final Report, October 1978.
- Roache, P. J., Hakin, D., and Moeny, W. M., “Computational Modeling of Electric Fields in Pulsed Electric Lasers,” with ITR-80-009, Tetra Corporation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December 1980.
- Roache, P. J., “An Investigation of Numerical Algorithms for Incorporation into the RAVEN Computer Code,” Ecodynamics Research Associates, Inc., ERA Report 9-84, September 1984.
- Moeny, W. M., von Dadelszen, M., and Roache, P. J., “The ELF Electric Field Analysis Computer Codes. Vol. 1. Code Description and Specific Applications.” Tetra TR-85-016, Tetra
Corp., Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 1985.
- Moeny, W. M., von Dadelszen, M., and Roache, P. J., “The ELF Electric Field Analysis Computer Codes. Vol. 2. Users Manual.,” Tetra TR-85-016, Tetra Corp., Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 1985.
- Roache, P. J., Castillo, J. and Steinberg, S., “On the Folding of Numerically Generated Grids,” with Institute for Computational Research, University of New Mexico, Technical Report No. 2, July 1987.
- Roache, P. J., “Design Optimization of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations,” Ecodynamics Final Report, Contract F49620-88-C-012DEF, U. S. Air Force Office of Scientific
Research, Bolling AFB, DC. March 1989.
- Roache, P. J., “A Computer Model for Short Wavelength Chemical Lasers,” Ecodynamics Final Report, Contract SDI087-1, U. S. Strategic Defense Initiative Office. September 1989.
- Roache, P. J., “Three-Dimensional Transient flow Prediction,” Ecodynamics Final Report, Contract N00024-90PR-C-4528, U. S. Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C.. February 1990.
- Roache, P. J., “Computational Fluid Dynamics Codes for Modern Lubrication Problems,” Ecodynamics Final Report, Contract ISI-8861425, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.. March 1990.
- Roache, P. J., Mikatarian, R. R., Chandler, L. J., Steinberg, S., Salari, K., and Sery, P., “Adaptive Grids for RAVEN: Vol. I, Project Summary,” WL-TN-90-10, Vol. I, Air Force Systems
Command, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, June 1990.
- Roache, P. J., Mikatarian, R. R., Chandler, L. J., Steinberg, S., Salari, K., and Sery, P., “Adaptive Grids for RAVEN: Vol. II, RAVEN 1A: Code Description, Input Guide, and Sample
Case File,” WL-TN-90-10, Vol. I, Air Force Systems Command, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, June 1990.
- Roache, P. J., Mikatarian, R. R., Chandler, L. J., Steinberg, S., Salari, K., and Sery, P., “Adaptive Grids for RAVEN: Vol. III, RAVEN IB: Code Description and Input Guide,”
WL-TN-90-10, Vol. I, Air Force Systems Command, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, June 1990.
- Roache, P. J., Mikatarian, R. R., Chandler, L. J., Steinberg, S., Salari, K., and Sery, P., “Adaptive Grids for RAVEN: Vol. IV, RAVEN 2 - IMPLICIT RAVEN): Code Description and Input
Guide,” WL-TN-90-10, Vol. I, Air Force Systems Command, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, June 1990.
- Roache, P. J., “Dynamic Stall Control,” Ecodynamics Final Report, Contract NAS2-13290, U. S. Army Aviation Systems Command, NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. May 1991.
- Rechard, R. P., Roache, P. J., Blaine, R. L., Gilkey, A. P., and Rudeen, D. K., “Quality Assurance Procedures for Computer Software Supporting Performance Assessments of the
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant,” Sandia Report SAND90-1240, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1991.
- Rechard, R. P., Rudeen, D. K., and Roache, P. J., “Quality Assurance Procedures for Analyses and Report Reviews Supporting Performance Assessments of the Waste Isolation
Pilot Plant,” Sandia Report SAND91-0428, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 1992.
- “A Combined Visual and Hot-Wire Anemometer Investigation of Boundary Layer Transition,” AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 67-129, January 1967.
- “Numerical Solutions of Compressible and Incompressible Laminar Separated Flows,” AIAA Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper No. 68-741, Los Angeles, California, June 1968.
- “An Experimental Comparison of an In-Hours and an Out-of-Hours Continuing Education Course,” ASEE Gulf-Southwest Regional Meeting, University of Houston, March 20, 1969.
- “Some Fundamental Relations for the Flight Mechanics of Maneuvering Reentry Vehicles,” AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, May 13, 1970, Tullahoma, TN.
- “A New Direct Method for the Discretized Poisson Equation,” Second International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, September 15-19, 1970, University of California, Berkeley.
- “On Artificial Viscosity,” Seminar at University of Texas at Austin, 3 May 1972.
- “Finite Difference Methods for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations,” Seminar at University of Texas at Austin, 3 May 1972.
- “Finite Difference Methods for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations,” (read by S. Piacsek), Third International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, 3-7 July 1972, Paris, France.
- “Artificial Viscosity Effects for Compressible and Incompressible Flow Simulations,” Plasma Physics Group, Naval Research Laboratory, 20 October 1972, Washington, D.C.
- “Factors in the Selection of Equation Systems for Computational Fluid Dynamics Problems,” Invited Paper, Symposium on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, 19 October, 1972, NASA Langley.
- “Numerical Methods Applied to the Navier-Stokes Equations for Separated Flows,” University of Tennessee Space Institute, November 1972.
- “Finite Difference Methods for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations,” Computational Fluid Dynamics Seminar, 17 January 1974, NASA-Ames Research Center.
- “Difficulties in the Calculation of High Reynolds Number Effects,” Seminar at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 18 January 1974, Livermore, California.
- “The Split NOS and BID Methods for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations,” Fourth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 24-29 June, 1974.
- “Recent Developments and Problem Areas in Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Exterior Ballistics Laboratory Seminar, 4 September 1974, U. S. Army Ballistics Research Laboratory.
- “Recent Developments and Problem Areas in Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Invited Lecture at the First International Conference on Computational Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics, 23-25 September 1974, University of Texas at Austin.
- “Recent Developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Joint Hydrodynamics-Mathematics Seminar, 29 October 1974, Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Bethesda, MD.
- “Recent Developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Mathematics Seminar, 30 October 1974, University of Michigan.
- “A User’s Views on Computer Mystique,” Visiting Scholar Program, 14-15 January 1975, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
- “Recent Developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics, I, II, III,” (3 seminars). Visiting Scholar Program, 14-15 January 1975, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
- “Computational Troubles with Laminar Flows at High Reynolds Numbers,” New Mexico Applied Math Seminar, 29 April 1975, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “The Status of Computational Techniques,” Invited Lecture at ARO/ BRL Workshop on Computational Fluid Mechanics for Army R&D Needs, 30 July 1975, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen, Maryland.
- “Chairman’s Summary of the Numerical Fluid Dynamics Panel,” SAI/ NSF(RANN) Workshop of the Numerical Simulation of Combustion for Application to Spark and Compression Engines, 23-25 April 1975, La Jolla, California.
- “A Review of Numerical Techniques,” Invited Lecture at First International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, 20-22 October 1975, Bethesda, MD.
- “Semidirect Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations,” Seminar at the University of Houston, College of Engineering, 28 January 1976, Houston, Texas.
- “Pseudo-Spectral Methods for Non-Periodic Problems,” Seminar at University of Cincinnati, College of Engineering, 21 May 1976, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- “Pseudo-Spectral Methods for Non-Periodic Problems,” T-Division Computational Physics Seminar, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 27 May 1976, Los Alamos, New Mexico.
- “Direct Solution of Variable Coefficient Elliptic Equations Including First- and Cross-Derivatives,” SIAM 1976 National Meeting, 27 June 1976, Chicago, Illinois.
- “Difficulties with Brute-Force Numerical Solutions of the Navier- Stokes Equations for High Re-Separated Flows,” Specialist’s Workshop on Viscous Interaction and Boundary-Layer Separation, Ohio State University, 17 August 1976.
- “Semidirect Methods for Laminar and Turbulent Flows Using the Navier-Stokes Equations,” ICASE Seminar, NASA-Langley Research Center, February 1977.
- “Prospects for Accurate Computer Simulations of Fluid Dynamics Problems of Nuclear Reactors,” ANS Mathematics and Computation Division Topical Meeting, 28-30 March 1977, Tucson, Arizona.
- “A Semidirect Method for Internal Flows in Flush Inlets,” AIAA Third Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 27-29 June 1977, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “Direct Solution of Variable Coefficient Elliptic Equations in Three Dimensions,” SIAM 1977 Fall Meeting, 1 November 1977, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “Computational Fluid Dynamics,” three lectures, Kozo Keikaku Engineering, Inc., 5 June 1978, Tokyo, Japan.
- “A Sixth-Order Accurate Direct Solver for the Poisson and Helmholtz Equations,” AIAA 11th Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Conference, 11 July 1978, Seattle, Washington.
- “Semidirect Calculation of Steady Two and Three Dimensional Flows,” Internal Conference on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, 17 July 1978, University College, Swansea, Wales.
- “Computational Aspects of High Reynolds Number Separated Flows,” Naval Surface Weapons Center, 4 May 1979, Silver Spring, Maryland.
- “Semidirect Methods for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations,” 7 May 1979, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- “Some Recent Advances in Computational Methods for Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics,” Solar Energy Research Institute, 17 May 1979, Golden, Colorado.
- “A Semidirect Method with Non-Iterative Boundary Coupling for Viscous Flows,” Symposium on Computers and Aerodynamics, 4-5 June 1979, Polytechnic Institute of New York, Long Island, NewYork.
- “A Semidirect Method Suitable for Recirculating Flows Driven by Boyancy and Shear,” First International Conference on Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, 2-6 July 1979, University College, Swansea, Wales, U.K.
- “Some Highly Efficient Solution Methods for Fluid Flow Problems,” Electric Power Research Institute, 13 July 1979, Stanford, California.
- “Semidirect Methods in Fluid Dynamics,” Boyd Lectureship, 5 March 1980, College of Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
- “GEM Solutions of Elliptic and Mixed Problems with Non-Separable 5- and 9-Point Operators,” LASL Conference on Elliptic Solvers, 30 June - 2 July 1980, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- “The DEEP STEAM Code: A Fully Implicit Simulator for One-Dimensional Flows in Porous Media with Arbitrary Number of Phases and Components,” SIAM Fall Meeting, 6-8 November 1980, Houston, Texas.
- “Scaling of High Reynolds Number Weakly Separated Channel Flows,” Symposium on Numerical and Physical Aspects of Aerodynamic Flows, 19-21 January 1981, California State University at Long Beach.
- “The GEM Code: Direct Solutions of Elliptic and Mixed Problems with Non-Separable 5- and 9-Point Operators,” 1981 Army Numerical Analysis and Computers Conference, 26-27 February 1981, Huntsville, Alabama.
- “Computational Fluid Dynamics Using Semidirect Methods,” NASA-Lewis Research Center, 27 March 1981, Cleveland, Ohio.
“Computational Solutions in Body-Fitted Coordinates of Electric Fields in Externally Sustained Discharges,” with W. M. Moeny and J. A. Filcoff, Third IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, 1-3 June 1981, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “Interactive Design of Laser Electrodes Using Elliptic Grid Generation and Semidirect / Marching Methods,” 1982 Army Numerical Analysis and Computers Conference, 3-4 February 1982, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
- “Solution of Elliptic Equations with the GEM Codes,” 5 February 1982, Mississippi State University, Department of Aerospace Engineering, State College, Mississippi.
- “Semidirect/Marching Methods and Elliptic Grid Generation,” Symposium on the Numerical Generation of Curvilinear Coordinate Systems and Use in the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, April 1982, Nashville, Tennessee.
- “Marching Methods for Elliptic Equations: The GEM Codes,” C.N.R., 23 June 1982, Rome, Italy.
- “Semidirect Methods in Fluid Dynamics,” C.N.R., 23 June 1982, Rome, Italy.
- “Benchmark Solution for the Expanding Channel Problem,” IAHR Workshop, 24 June 1982, Rome, Italy.
- “Symbolic Manipulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Seminaria de Faculta di Ingeneria, 26 June 1982, University Roma, Rome, Italy.
- “Numerical Aspects and Potential of Symbolic Manipulations for Partial Differential Equations,” Army Research Office-General Electric Workshop on Symbolic Computations, 14 December 1982, General Electric Research and Development Center, Schenectady, New York.
- “Symbolic Manipulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Seminar 11 May 1983, U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
- “Timing Studies of Super-Microcomputers,” AIAA Sixth Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 13-15 July 1983, Danvers, Massachusetts.
- “Timing Studies of Super-Microcomputers,” SIGNUM Meeting, 18 October 1983, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “Timing Studies of Super-Microcomputers,” Mechanical Engineering Seminar, 25 October 1983, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “Scientific Computing on Microcomputers,” Panel Discussion, Symposium on Personal Computers, 18 February 1984, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “Computers vs. Algorithms,” Symposium on the Impact of Large-Scale Computing on Air Force Research and Development, 4-6 April 1984, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “Interactive Electric Field Calculations for Lasers,” AIAA 17th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Physics, and Lasers Conference, 25-27 June 1984, Snowmass, Colorado.
- “Computers vs. Algorithms,” Engineering Faculty Seminar, 5 November 1984, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- “Symbolic Manipulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Engineering Faculty Seminar, 7 November 1984, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- “Application of a Single-Equation MG-FAS Solver to Elliptic Grid Generation Equations (Sub-grid and Super-grid Coefficient Generation),” Second Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, 1-3 April 1985, Copper Mountain, Colorado.
- “Symbolic Manipulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Engineering Faculty Seminar, 2 May 1985, University of California at Davis, Davis, California.
- “Symbolic Manipulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Applied Mathematics Seminar, 7 May 1985, Sandia Laboratories - Livermore, Livermore, California.
- “A New Approach to Grid Generation Using a Variational Formulation,” AIAA 7th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 15-17 July 1985, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- “The ELF Codes: Electrode Design for Lasers and Switches,” Invited Paper, CTAC-85 Conference, 25-28 August 1985, Melbourne, Australia.
- “PDE Discretization on Subgrids and Supergrids,” SIGNUM Meeting, 8 December 1985, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “Symbolic Manipulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Invited Presentation, NSF Workshop on Computational Engineering, 24-25 June 1986, NSF San Diego Supercomputer Center, San Diego, California.
- “The ELF Codes,” Spectra Technologies, Inc., 17 July 1986, Seattle, Washington.
- “Grid Generation in Finite Analysis,” Applied Mechanics Research Seminar, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of New Mexico, February 17, 1987, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “The Need for Control of Numerical Accuracy,” AIAA 24th Thermophysics Conference, Buffalo, New York, June 13, 1989.
- “Weakly Compressible Navier-Stokes Solutions with an Implicit Approximate Factorization Code,” AIAA 28th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 8, 1990.
- “Experience with Benchmark Test Cases for Groundwater Flow,” ASME Spring Meeting of the Fluids Engineering Division, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 7, 1990.
- “Application of the Approximate Factorization Algorithm to 3-D Dynamic Stall,” Graduate Seminar, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, April 5, 1990.
- “Application of the Approximate Factorization Algorithm to 3-D Dynamic Stall,” Graduate Seminar, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 6, 1990.
- “Application of the Approximate Factorization Algorithm to 3-D Dynamic Stall,” Graduate Seminar, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, April 27, 1990.
- “Computational Fluid Dynamics Algorithms and Codes Developed for WIPP Site Simulations,” Proceedings Asian Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, 11-13 December 1991, University of Hong Kong.
- “An Accurate Low Dissipation Model of the Gulf of Mexico Circulation,” Proceedings International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, 14-16 December 1991, University of Hong Kong.
- “An Accurate Low Dissipation Model of the Gulf of Mexico Circulation,” Mechanical Engineering Seminar, 20 December 1991, Tohoku University, Tsendai, Japan.
- “Validation Exercises of a One-Dimensional Flux-Based Modified Method of Characteristics,” IX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Denver, Colorado, 9-12 June 1992.
- “Computational Fluid Dynamics Algorithms Developed for WIPP Site Simulations,” IX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Denver, Colorado, 9-12 June 1992.
- “Marching Methods and Domain Decomposition,” Center for Air Sea Technology, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, 26 October 1992.
- “Marching Methods and Domain Decomposition,” Yale University, Applied Mechanics Research Center, New Haven, Connecticut, 22 January 1993.
- “The SECO Suite of Codes for Site Performance Assessment,” 1993 Intl. High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conf., April 26-30, 1993, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- “Grid Convergence Studies for Code Verification and Practical Error Banding,” Seminar, Computational Mathematics Group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Colorado at Denver, 28 April 1993.
- “A Multidimensional Flux-Based Modified Method of Characteristics,” First SES-ASME-ASCE Joint Meeting, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, 6-9 June 1993.
- “A Method for Uniform Reporting of Grid Refinement Studies,” Applied Mathematics Seminar, Computational Mathematics Group, University of Colorado at Denver, 15 May 1993.
- “A Method for Uniform Reporting of Grid Refinement Studies,” Symposium on Quantification of Uncertainty in Computational Fluid Dynamics, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington, DC, 20-24 June 1993.
- “The SECO Code Algorithms for Groundwater Flow and Transport,” . VIII International Conference on Finite Elements in Fluids, Univ. Politecnica de Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain, 20-23 Sept. 1993.
- “Error Bars for CFD,” R. T. Davis Memorial Lecture, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati, 18 February 1994.
- “Error Bars for CFD,” Seminar, CERCA, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 18 May 1994.
- “Error Bars for CFD,” Distinguished Lecturer Seminar, Ohio Aerospace Institute, NASA-Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, 19 May 1994.
- “Error Bars for CFD,” Distinguished Lecturer Seminar, Ohio Aerospace Institute, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, 20 May 1994.
- “CFD Education,” Panel Discussion: Advances in Computational Methods in Fluid Dynamics: Education - A Government Overview, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 21 June 1994.
- “Error Bars for Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Joint Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences and Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 26 September 1994.
- “Verification of Codes and Calculations,” Australian National Center for Meteorological Research, Melbourne, 4 January 1996.
- “SECO Code Development for MADE2 Simulations,” (with D. Rucker), 3rd Army Groundwater Model Users Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 31 July 1996.
- “Towards a Multidimensional Flux-Based Modified Method of Characteristics,” CFD Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences and Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 29 August 1996.
- “Elliptic Marching Methods and Domain Decomposition,” CFD Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences and Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 5 September 1996.
- “Some Fundamentals of CFD (tutorial),” CFD Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences and Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 26 September 1996.
- “Verification, Validation, Confirmation, Error Estimation, and Quantification of Uncertainty,” CFD Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences and Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 21 November 1996.
- “Verification and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering,” Phillips Symposium Series, Computer-Aided Engineering in the 21st Century, New Nexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, 24 April 1997.
- Panel Discussion, ASCE Task Committee on 3D Free-Surface Flow Model Verifications, ASCE National Meeting, Memphis, Tennessee, 4 August 1998.
- Panel Discussion, ASCE Task Committee on 3D Free-Surface Flow Model Verifications, ASCE International Conference on Water Resources Engineering, Seattle, Washington, 7 August 1999.
- “Verification and Validation”, Numerical PDE’s Seminar, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Nexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 30 November 1999.
- “Verification, Validation and Other Assurance Exercises for Modern Computational Physics”, Los Alamos National Laboratories, 9 October 2001.
- “Code Verification by the Method of Manufactured Solutions”, Sandia National Laboratories - Albuquerque, 5 December 2001.
- “Code Verification by the Method of Manufactured Solutions”, TICAM, University of Texas at Austin, 21 March 2002.
- “An Overview of Verification and Validation for Computational Science and Engineering”, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, 18 April 2002.
- “Recent Contributions to Verification and Validation Methodology,” Keynote Address, Minisymposium on Verification and Validation II, Mondial Congress World Congress on Computational Mechanics V, Vienna, 10 July 2002.
- “Recent Contributions to Verification and Validation Methodology,” Institute of Heat Transfer (CTTC), University of Barcelona, 12 July 2002.
- “An Overview of Verification and Validation for Computational Science and Engineering”, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratories, 25 July 2002.
- “Error Bars for CFD,” AIAA 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2003, Reno, Nevada.
- “Panel Discussion on Numerical Uncertainty”, AIAA 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2003, Reno, Nevada.
- “Assessing Discretization Uncertainty in V&V”, Keynote Lecture, Minisymposium on Verification & Validation in Computational Mechanics, Seventh USACM Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM, 28-30 July 2003.
- “Calculation Verification: an Overview”, Keynote Lecture, Workshop on CFD Uncertainty Analysis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 21 October 2004.
- “Code Verification”, D. Pelletier, P. J. Roache, B. Blackwell (presenter), IMECE05, ASME National Meeting, Orlando, FL, 6 November 2005.
- “Verification and Validation Fundamentals”, Keynote Lecture, Workshop on the Future of Modeling and Simulation for Combustion Applications, 21-23 February 2006, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- “Recent Developments in Verification and Validation,” Keynote Lecture, Second Workshop on CFD Uncertainty Analysis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 19 October 2006.
- “Recent Developments in Verification and Validation,” Mathematics Seminar, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico, 18 November 2006.
- “Standards for Analyses”, Seminar at Idaho National Laboratories, Idaho Falls, Idaho, “Requirements and Capabilities for CFD Analysis of Reactors” held 6 November 2007.
- “Fundamentals of Verification and Validation,” Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 14 March 2008.
- “Framework for Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification,” Keynote Address, Verification and Validation for Nuclear Systems Analysis Workshop, Idaho Falls, ID, 21-25 July 2008.
- “Validation: Definitions or Descriptions?”, Keynote Address, 3rd Workshop on CFD Uncertainty Analysis, Lisbon, 23-24 October 2008, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon.